Framed Southern California Girl in Sunnies Travel Poster
Framed original Sante Fe Railway poster
Santa Fe Southern California is a c.1950 American travel poster for the Santa Fe Southern Railway. The poster was illustrated in the mid-century style that emphasized vibrant colors and simplified graphics. Here the artist sets a smiling beachgoer against a golden backdrop. Her bathing suit is made up of the Santa Fe Logo in repetition, as the large text of the poster simply reads "California."
Santa Fe Railway was founded in 1859. The company helped settle the mid-west in the later part of the 19th Century by selling real estate and farm land sanctioned by Congress. They became the second transcontinental railway to exist and expanded further with north-south routes in California. Santa Fe had a robust freight business and expanded its transportation reach with a bussing system.
Frame: Red and white two tone lacquer wood
Overall Dimensions: 19.25" x 25"