Miss B's First Cookbook


First edition (1984) copy of Miss B's First Cookbook by Peggy Hoffmann  

Miss B., her mother says, is an average little girl, who likes to ride a bike, go fishing, use colored crayons, and read aloud to her younger brother. She likes particularly to teach herself all kinds of new skills. When Miss B. first began to "help" in the kitchen, she took so enthusiastically to cooking that she soon demanded her own special cookbook.

Mrs. Hoffmann searched in bookstores and libraries but could find no book that contained just the sort of recipes Miss B. likes (for good things that can be eaten at once), with directions simple enough for a beginning reader to understand and follow.
The only solution was to make Miss B.'s First Cookbook.

In its preparation, Mrs. Hofimann had the pleased collaboration of Miss B. and her two brothers, and the expert help of Gerald Hunter. He took all the natural, unposed photographs that show the youngest cooks how Miss B. makes or serves these delicious, easy, satisfying dishes. Many specialists-cooks and home economists, educators, and child psychologists- gave helpful suggestions. The result is a made-to-order book for little girls like Miss B., who are just learning to read and cook.


Author: Peggy Hoffmann

Edition/year: 1st, 1950, Bobbs-Merrill

Condition: slight wear, otherwise in good vintage condition 

Dimensions: 10" x 7"